Stripe Часто задаваемые вопросы для клиентов

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Как мне связаться со службой поддержки клиентов Stripe?

Чаще всего нам задают вопрос о том, как поговорить со службой поддержки клиентов Stripe. Нажмите здесь, чтобы просмотреть контактную информацию, электронную почту и параметры чата, найти живого человека, время ожидания и многое другое.

Как мне подтвердить свою личность в моей учетной записи Stripe?

Проверка учетной записи Stripe необходима для проверки легитимности пользователя и финансовых данных. Хотя регистрация быстрая и простая, все пользователи...

Что мне делать, если у меня возникают проблемы с получением платежа с помощью Stripe?

Причины изменения или отсутствия платежей Stripe могут быть разными, включая потенциальные банковские проблемы. Рекомендуется сначала проверить...
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Недавние вопросы клиентов по Stripe

A direct debit has been set up on my bank account to Stripe which I don’t recognise

It's essential to promptly address any unrecognized payments. If there's a direct debit to Stripe that you don't recognize, it could be that someone you have done business with is using Stripe for processing payments. Also, subscriptions or recurring payments could be connected with this, if you've set up any recently. Still, if you can't identify the transaction, your best course of action is to contact your bank immediately to report this transaction. Your bank will be able to advise on how to proceed and they can take steps to secure your account, potentially setting in motion a process to investigate and resolve the situation.
Спросил Jun 4, 2024 2:38 PM

I paid an international fee through Stripe using my credut card. My credit card shows two debit charges per the transaction fee separate

Yes, when using Stripe for transactions, especially international ones, different types of fees may apply and they are typically debited separately. For instance, Stripe charges a transaction fee for every payment you receive through Stripe. Additionally, if you engage in an international transaction or currency conversion, an extra fee may be charged. These fees are deducted independently, which could explain why you are seeing two debits on your credit card statement. However, do note that this might also depend on the type of arrangement you have with Stripe, as the fee structure might differ slightly for different types of accounts or business models.
Спросил Apr 29, 2024 2:08 PM

You keep saying my event is among the ones that are forbidden. It is a charity event to support children.

We apologize for any confusion you're experiencing. While Stripe supports a wide range of businesses and events, certain industries and activities are restricted due to legal, regulatory, or processing risks. Non-profit and charity events are generally not restricted, but the exact nature of the activities, including any prizes, auction items, or methods of fundraising, may affect the acceptability under Stripe's policies. It's also possible that your event was mistakenly identified as restricted. To resolve this issue, we recommend contacting Stripe directly to provide more information about your event and to review its alignment with Stripe's guidelines.
Спросил Apr 17, 2024 5:37 PM the transaction fee separate using a credit card for an international purchase? Would it show as two transactions?

No, the transaction fee using a credit card for an international purchase on Stripe is not separate. It's included with the overall cost of each transaction. It will not appear as two separate transactions on your bank statement; it's simply one aggregate amount. Stripe's fees for international transactions may be slightly higher due to the complexities of cross-border payments. However, customers will only see one charge which includes both the purchase price and the associated fee.
Спросил Apr 12, 2024 2:26 PM the transaction fee separate using a credit card for an international purchase?

Yes, Stripe applies an additional international card fee when a payment is made with a credit or debit card issued outside of your country. This fee is 1% for international cards. Additionally, if currency conversion is necessary, an additional 1% fee is applied. So, if you're making an international purchase with a credit card, you might see a slightly higher total due to these added fees. It's important to note that these fees are separate from the regular transaction fees. Please keep in mind that Stripe's pricing can vary based on your country and business condition.
Спросил Apr 12, 2024 2:16 PM

Помогите мне решить мою проблему со службой поддержки клиентов Stripe.


Как получить возмещение от Stripe?

Stripe не возвращает деньги клиентам, использующим платформу для платежей. Если вам нужно получить...

Identity Verification

Как мне подтвердить свою личность в моей учетной записи Stripe?

Проверка учетной записи Stripe необходима для проверки легитимности пользователя и финансовых данных. Хотя регистрация быстрая и простая, все пользователи...


Как вы выиграли спор о Stripe?

Когда клиенты оспаривают платеж со своим банком, они должны предоставить доказательства в поддержку своей претензии. Продавцы могут оспорить эти споры...

Payment Issues

Что мне делать, если у меня возникают проблемы с получением платежа с помощью Stripe?

Причины изменения или отсутствия платежей Stripe могут быть разными, включая потенциальные банковские проблемы. Рекомендуется сначала проверить...
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Stripe проблем, о которых сообщено в GetHuman
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