I frequently watch those videos online people film while they're inside their vehicles, and have always wanted one. While I'm not sure anything interesting will happen, I sure don't want to miss it if does. My daughter knows that I watch dash cam videos all of the time, so I suspect that's why she bought me one for Christmas. However, the one she bought arrived in the mail and when I powered it on, it said that I need to update the maps. I'm not tech savvy at all, and this might be the fanciest thing I own outside of my cell phone.
Therefore, I figured I was going to have to call Garmin and get help figuring out how to do it. I managed to get the device hooked up to my Wi-Fi connection, which I assume it will need to update, but can't figure out what to do from this point forward. Garmin makes a lot more products than just dash cams, so I'm sure they get a lot of phone calls. I just needed about 10 minutes of someone's time, so I was hopeful the wait wouldn't be too bad. In reality, it was only about 10 minutes, so it certainly could have been a lot worse than it was.
After dialing this number, a voice assistant picked up and stated, "Thank you for contacting Garmin’s support department. For questions about your Garmin products, press 1. For Garmin’s business offices, press 0." I needed Garmin products so I pressed 1, and was then greeted again for calling Garmin's support center. This time, the phone assistant wanted to know what it could help me with. It listed a long line of services from returns to exchanges to product support to refunds and map updates.
When I heard map updates my ears perked up. That was exactly what I needed so I chose that option and then had to choose which product I had. I stated the Garmin Mini 2 dash cam and then I was placed on hold to talk to the next representative. The messaging while I waited told me that I could go online to support.garmin.com, but I waited because I wanted to talk to someone. It was worth it because Alicia picked up and spoke very good English. She walked me through the process of updating my maps, and once I hung up the phone my dash cam was ready to go. I couldn't have asked for a better experience, and if I have problems again I'll be calling back.