PayPal (UK) Часто задаваемые вопросы для клиентов

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Какой номер телефона у PayPal (UK)?

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Недавние вопросы клиентов по PayPal (UK)

Purchased item on line paid with my PayPal account, no email after completion of payment

If you haven't received a confirmation email after completing a payment with your PayPal account, check your spam or junk email folder. Sometimes, email providers may mistakenly classify automated messages as spam. Additionally, verify that the email address linked to your PayPal account is correct. If everything looks fine and you still do not see the confirmation, the transaction should still be reflected in your PayPal account's activity. You can review your recent transactions by logging in to your PayPal account.
Спросил Mar 3, 2025 6:38 AM

I use 2 factor authorisation to access my PayPal account. The phone number is no longer valid.

If your phone number for two-factor authentication is no longer valid, you will need to update your phone number in your PayPal account settings. Log in to your account and look for the security settings to change your phone number. If you are unable to access your account due to this issue, follow the recovery options provided on the login page.
Спросил Feb 17, 2025 9:59 AM

I got a email saying I’ve ordered a phone it’s not me and I don’t have a PayPal account

We're sorry to hear this. This could be a potential phishing attempt by individuals trying to gain access to your personal information. It might not have anything to do with PayPal UK as you mentioned you don't have an account. Never click on any links or provide information to an email you find suspicious. As a precaution, it's recommended to change your email password and ensure your computer is protected with up-to-date antivirus software. Call your bank to check if any unauthorised transactions have occurred. Even though you're not a PayPal UK customer, you can report the suspicious email to PayPal at
Спросил Apr 18, 2024 12:21 PM

I need to update my mobile number

To update your mobile number on PayPal UK, follow these steps: 1. Log in to your PayPal account. 2. Click the gear icon in the upper-right corner to navigate to your account settings. 3. In the 'Phone' section, click 'Update'. 4. You should see a '+' icon where you can add a new number. Input the new number and click 'Add Number'. 5. To remove the old mobile number, click 'Update' again, locate the old number, select 'Remove' and confirm the removal. Remember to verify your new mobile phone number by clicking 'Confirm' after adding it. You will receive a code via SMS to complete the verification.
Спросил Apr 2, 2024 10:16 PM

Need to change my mobile number on my account please

To change your mobile number on your PayPal account, please follow these steps: 1. Log in to your PayPal account. 2. Click the 'Settings' cog in the upper right corner of your dashboard. 3. In the 'Phone' section, click on 'Update'. 4. You'll then see a 'Phone numbers' section. Here, you can add a new number by clicking on '+', or edit an existing one by clicking 'Update' next to it. 5. If you want to remove an old number, click 'Remove' next to the number you'd like to delete. 6. For verification, PayPal may send an SMS message with a code, which you'll have to enter. 7. Don’t forget to click 'Confirm' after making changes. Remember, the changes may not be effective immediately. Be sure to double-check after a while.
Спросил Mar 18, 2024 6:48 PM

Помогите мне решить мою проблему со службой поддержки клиентов PayPal (UK).

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