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Какой номер телефона у PPL Electric Utilities?

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Какие программы и стимулы по энергосбережению доступны?

PPL Electric Utilities предлагает ряд энергосберегающих программ и стимулов, чтобы помочь клиентам сократить потребление электроэнергии и...
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Недавние вопросы клиентов по PPL Electric Utilities

We are having frequent power failures. The power keeps turning on and off, which is causing distress to our appliances and our well.

We apologize for the inconvenience you're facing. PPL Electric Utilities makes every effort to provide reliable service. It's possible that various factors like weather conditions, equipment failure, or even trees near power lines could be causing these frequent power outages. When you observe such issues, please report the power outage directly to PPL Electric Utilities as soon as possible so we can investigate and rectify the issue. Regular and detailed reports from customers like you aid in identifying problem areas and help us improve our services.
Спросил Apr 1, 2024 3:34 PM

I would like to report an illegal hook up

If you want to report an illegal hookup or any form of energy theft, it's critical for both safety and fairness. For PPL Electric Utilities, while they don't encourage direct confrontation, they do provide a platform for reporting any suspicious activities. You can make your report confidentially. However, for security reasons, we can't provide the direct process or the contacts within this platform. Always remember that tampering with electric utilities is dangerous and illegal.
Спросил Mar 28, 2024 2:46 PM

We are interested in putting an area light up outside for the driveway. Could not find number on the pole but there is a light fixture. Could someone come check it out and see what needs to be done.

Sure, we can certainly assist with that. To install an area light on your property, you need to reach out to PPL Electric Utilities directly to schedule an appointment. A representative will come over to check the current condition of the pole and light fixture, assess the work required, and provide a suitable solution. They will guide you through the necessary steps and requirements for seamlessly installing the area light in your driveway.
Спросил Mar 13, 2024 6:16 PM

I want to report a power outage

As an online assistant, I'm unable to report a power outage on your behalf. However, PPL Electric Utilities has made it easy to report outages. You can report a power outage through their online Outage Center on their website or by calling their outage hotline. Please ensure you have your account number handy when you are reporting the outage. Also, remember to stay safe and keep away from any downed power lines or damaged equipment.
Спросил Mar 12, 2024 1:38 AM

They automatically took payment out of my checking account without authorization

We're sorry to hear about this. PPL Electric Utilities would not typically automatically deduct payments from your checking account without your previous authorization. This is normally done through an AutoPay option which a customer needs to set up intentionally. If you think this has happened without your approval, we recommend checking your account settings to verify if AutoPay has been activated unintentionally and disable it. You should also get in touch with your bank to discuss the transaction. Please consider contacting PPL Electric Utilities customer service for resolution as well.
Спросил Mar 11, 2024 12:19 AM

Помогите мне решить мою проблему со службой поддержки клиентов PPL Electric Utilities.

Billing and Payments

Как я могу просмотреть и оплатить свой счет онлайн?

Вы можете просмотреть и оплатить свой счет онлайн, войдя в свою учетную запись на нашем сайте. После входа в систему вы можете получить доступ к своему счету, просмотреть...

Какие варианты оплаты доступны для моих счетов за электричество?

PPL Electric Utilities предлагает несколько удобных вариантов оплаты счетов за электроэнергию. Во-первых, вы можете выбрать оплату напрямую...

Power Outages

Что делать, если у меня отключилось электричество?

Если у вас произошло отключение электроэнергии, сначала проверьте, не затронуто ли это и ваших соседей, чтобы определить, является ли это широко распространенной проблемой....


Каковы тарифы для частных и коммерческих клиентов?

В PPL Electric Utilities мы предлагаем конкурентоспособные тарифы как для бытовых, так и для коммерческих потребителей. Наши цены определяются различными...

Energy Programs

Какие программы и стимулы по энергосбережению доступны?

PPL Electric Utilities предлагает ряд энергосберегающих программ и стимулов, чтобы помочь клиентам сократить потребление электроэнергии и...
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