Computershare Часто задаваемые вопросы для клиентов

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Какой номер телефона у Computershare?

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Существуют ли мобильные приложения для Computershare?

Да, Computershare предлагает мобильные приложения для быстрого доступа и контроля над вашими акциями и инвестициями. Мобильные приложения доступны для...
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Недавние вопросы клиентов по Computershare

is there a fee to sell stock if you are no longer with the company

Yes, there is typically a fee to sell stocks through Computershare even if you're no longer with the company. The fee can vary based on the individual plan of the company whose stock you own. The exact amount of this fee can be found in the details of your shareholder account or in the company's plan prospectus.
Спросил May 28, 2024 2:28 PM

short term disability customer service number

We're sorry, but we don't have the information you're looking for. Computershare specializes in transfer services, corporate compliance, shareholder management, and other related services. They do not handle short-term disability services. If you are looking for assistance with short-term disability, it would be best to contact your employer or the insurance company directly.
Спросил Apr 17, 2024 6:35 PM

If my EXXONMOBIL dividend cheque also has computershare at the top does that mean that computershare deals with EXXONMOBIL @ as a company

Yes, seeing Computershare at the top of your EXXONMOBIL dividend cheque means that Computershare is the transfer agent for EXXONMOBIL. Transfer agents help maintain records of shareholders, process payments of dividends, and conduct other shareholder duties on behalf of corporations. Therefore, Computershare handles these responsibilities for EXXONMOBIL.
Спросил Mar 10, 2024 2:52 PM

When trying to log in entering EXXONMOBIL as ‘company name’ wont be accepted

When trying to log in to the Computershare platform, make sure you're entering the company name accurately and check for any typographical errors. If you're certain the company name is correct, it's possible the shares may not be managed by Computershare. Not all companies use Computershare to manage their share programs, and some have specific portals for this purpose. You may want to verify that ExxonMobil uses Computershare for their shareholder services. If you're still having issues, it may be a technical problem that needs to be addressed by Computershare's support team.
Спросил Mar 10, 2024 2:45 PM

I need to stop receiving dividend cheques and have dividends paid directly into my bank account

To stop receiving dividend cheques and have dividends paid directly into your bank account, you can utilize Computershare's Direct Deposit service. You will need to log into your Computershare account. Head to the 'My Profile' section and find the option for 'Banking Details'. Here, you can add or update your bank account information. Doing this will ensure that all future dividends are directly deposited into your chosen bank account. Always ensure your details are kept current to avoid any issues. This service provides a convenient and secure method to receive your dividends promptly.
Спросил Mar 10, 2024 2:40 PM

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Services Offered

Какие услуги предлагает Computershare?

Computershare предлагает широкий спектр услуг, связанных с ее основной деятельностью – предоставлением услуг инвесторам. Эти...

Share Transactions

Могу ли я купить или продать акции через Computershare?

Да, Computershare позволяет вам покупать и продавать акции. Являясь ведущим мировым поставщиком трансфер-агентских услуг и услуг по регистрации акций,...


Какова плата за услуги Computershare?

Плата за услуги Computershare варьируется в зависимости от конкретных услуг, которые вам требуются. Computershare предлагает широкий выбор...

Shareholder Voting

Каков процесс голосования акционеров на Computershare?

Процесс голосования акционеров на Computershare является простым и удобным для пользователя. После входа в свою учетную запись Computershare...

Mobile Apps

Существуют ли мобильные приложения для Computershare?

Да, Computershare предлагает мобильные приложения для быстрого доступа и контроля над вашими акциями и инвестициями. Мобильные приложения доступны для...
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